Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

Cisco Online Lab for Cisco certification

Online Lab

This site is provides lab scenarios for students who preparing for the Cisco exams and gain some practical experience with Cisco routers and switches with other vendors like Mikrotik and juniper. All labs have been created using real equipment. our labs is easy to use you don't need to pre-configure or any another thing just login into our remote server and follow the instructions . All Labs available for free to assist network operators andCisco certification students with common problems or challenges that crop up in configuring Cisco networks.
Current Topology !

The lab is free and open for 24 hour, just login anytime.
Please follow these simple rule :
- Do not change the line vty settings. 
- Do not erase the IOS image of format the flash filesystem. 
- Lab will be roll back to default configuration every midnight.

To login, use a telnet client like putty, linux/unix telnet or secure crt and telnet to TCP port 1001, 1002, 1003, etc, or just click the on the bellow links.

Main Lab 
SW1   :  lab.freelabnetworks.com 1001
SW2   :  lab.freelabnetworks.com 1002
SW3   :  lab.freelabnetworks.com 1003
SW4   :  lab.freelabnetworks.com 1004
Username: lab

Kamis, 06 Maret 2014


Building_Cisco_Remote_Access_N http://adf.ly/eXRUL

CCIE_Network_Design http://adf.ly/eXRUN

CCNA_640-802__Exam_Prep_2nd_ed http://adf.ly/eXRUP

CCNA_Sybex_CCNA_Handbook http://adf.ly/eXRUQ

CCNP_vlsm http://adf.ly/eXRUR

Cisco_AVVID__IP_Telephony http://adf.ly/eXRUT

Cisco_Networking_Simplified_2n http://adf.ly/eXRUU

Internet_Crime_Report_IC3_2007 http://adf.ly/eXRUV

P4Sure_v273_104q http://adf.ly/eXRUW

VPN http://adf.ly/eXRUX

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Netriders CCENT dan CCNA 2014

Kepada yth
Bapak dan Ibu
Cisco Academy seluruh Indonesia

Dengan Hormat,

Bersama dengan surat ini kami sampaikan bahwa Indonesia Netriders 2014 akan dilakukan dengan 3 kategori sbb :
a.       Netriders CCENT
                                                              i.       Khusus untuk peserta dari SMK
                                                            ii.      Team(2 orang)
                                                          iii.      Pendaftaran  15 februari 2014 – 30 April 2014
                                                           iv.      tahap pertama (3 Mei 2014) dilakukan di sekolah masing masing
                                                             v.      Tahap final dilakukan di SMK Muhammadiyah Kudus pada 9 Juni 2014 untuk 20 team teratas
b.      Netriders CCNA
                                                              i.      Terbuka untuk peserta dari SMK maupun pendidikan tinggi(univ/politeknik/sekolah tinggi)
                                                            ii.      Pendaftaran dimulai 1 Maret 2014  - 17 Mei 2014
                                                          iii.      tahap pertama (24 Mei 2014) dilakukan di Academy masing masing
                                                           iv.      Tahap final dilakukan di Universitas Brawijaya, Malang pada 21 Juni 2014 untuk 20 team teratas (maksimal 2 team dari academy yang sama)
c.       Netriders Netexcellences ( Instruktur)
                                                              i.      Pendaftaran 1 Maret  - 20 Juni 2014
                                                            ii.       Langsung Final pada tgl 21 Juni 2014

Dan mengacu kepada terms and conditions yang tertera pada website http://academynetriders.com

Harap diperhatikan !!
Pendaftaran kali ini ada yang berbeda, setiap peserta siswa harus memilih  “proctor information task”
Instruktur diharuskan untuk enroll sebagai peserta pada Netriders CCENT dan CCNA untuk dapat dipilih sebagai proctor oleh siswanya masing masing.

Demikian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan

Hormat kami

Adri Gautama
Area Academy Manager

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Indonesia NetRiders CCENT 2014.

We are pleased to invite your students to participate in the Indonesia NetRiders CCENT 2014.
The Competition Registration Period will be open beginning February 15, 2014 at 7:00 AM and close on April 30, 2014 at 11:59 PM.

The Competition Exam Period will be held in two rounds on two different days, and only Selected Contestants from Round One will be invited to participate in Round Two.
  •  Round One – May 3, 2014 from 09:00 until 14:00. Contestants participate at their own academy under the proctoring of their Instructor.
  •  Round Two – June 9, 2014 from 09:00 until 15:00 at SMK Muhammadiyah Kudus, Central Java located at Jl. Kudus-jepara Km. 3 Prambatan Lor, Kec. Kaliwungu, Kudus, Indonesia.
Registration: Each Contestant must individually register but the Competition is team-based. Each team must consist of two (2) Contestants (a “Team”) for the Competition and do all of the following:  
  1. Go to http://www.academynetriders.com and Login using your Cisco NetSpace or Academy Connection username and password.
  2.  If new to the site, create a new account by reviewing the pre-populated information and submitting all required information as instructed.
  3. If you already have a registered profile on the Competition Site, you will be directed back to the home page.
  4.  On the home page, select NetRiders Asia Pacific 2014 and then select Indonesia 2014 CCENT NetRiders.
  5.  Agree to these Terms and Conditions.
  6.  Type in your enrolment key. CCENT_ID_6543
  7. You will now be enrolled in the competition and should be able to view the competition page. 
  8. Complete a Team Selection Task by either selecting to be a Team Captain or by joining a Team by selecting the enroll button next to a designated Team Captain. Any person not enrolled in a Team will be disqualified.
  9. During the Registration period, complete the Proctor Information Task. You must complete this task during the Registration period to participate. To complete this task your proctoring instructor will also need to have a registered profile in this Indonesia 2014 CCNA NetRiders competition
  10. The computer on which you are competing must have Packet Tracer 6.0.1 installed. You can download Packet Tracer 6.0.1 from the Academy Connection website atwww.cisco.com/go/netacad (post-login) or from the Cisco NetSpace website athttps://www.netacad.com/group/offerings/packet-tracer (post-login).
  11.  You will need to return to the Competition Site on your assigned date and time and then take the Exams.
Indicated below is an instructional video on how to register:http://www.academynetriders.com/file.php/1/netriders_info/register.html

For any further assistance please email netriders_apac@external.cisco.com

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